Aiteall Therapy

Art Psychotherapy | Dublin, Ireland

Quote Text Frame


[ atch - ill ] Irish

(n.) A period of pleasant sunshine and ​favorable weather between two rain ​showers

What is Art Psychotherapy?

Abstract portrait young male, retro style

Like other forms of psychotherapy and counselling, Art Psychotherapy is used ​to encourage personal growth and increase self-understanding. It can address ​a range of issues and concerns including confidence and self-esteem, trauma, ​bereavement and loss, depression, stress, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders ​and relationship difficulties.

While traditional forms of psychotherapy and counselling use words alone, Art ​Psychotherapists use both creative media and dialogue, allowing individuals to ​explore and express their inner experiences in ways that words alone might ​not fully capture. This dual approach fosters a deeper understanding of one’s ​emotions and experiences, particularly those related to trauma.

Male hands drawing the comics
Painting artwork: paint brushes on painting background
Large Fine Art Painting
Crop unrecognizable person applying glue on papers
Girl portrait collage
Close up of a Person Sculpting with Clay
Arts and crafts supplies
Assorted Pictures Inside Box
Overhead Portrait of a Printmaker Artist At Work
Torn posters
Midcentury Modern Basic Yellow Square

Meet Grace

watercolor brush stroke

Hi! I’m Grace Vaughey, and I am the Art ​Psychotherapist at Aiteall Therapy.

I am a graduate member of the Psychological Society ​of Ireland and the American Psychological Society. ​My work is regulated by the Health and Care ​Professions Council (HCPC). I am also a member of ​the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists ​(IACAT) and the British Association of Arts Therapists ​(BAAT). I am fully Garda Vetted, and work in ​accordance with the Code of Conduct and Principles ​of Practice as set out by both BAAT and IACAT.

Also - and maybe more importantly - I love coffee, ​baking, sleeping and watercolours. I also have two ​cats!

Midcentury Modern Basic Yellow Square

My Approach

Person Centered

watercolor brush stroke

This is always about you. I aim to ​create a nurturing space where ​you will feel heard, accepted, ​and valued. I will strive to be an ​empathetic collaborator on your ​journey ahead.


watercolor brush stroke

I’ll gently guide you to confront ​life’s uncertainties, your own ​choices, and the realities of ​freedom, responsibility, and ​mortality. I will aim to be a safe ​companion along the way.


watercolor brush stroke

Opening up can be scary. I will ​always focus on building a warm, ​transparent and kind space for ​you. I commit to showing up ​exactly as I am, so that you might ​gain comfort to do the same.

My practice is called Aiteall Therapy, named for the fleeting moments of sunshine between rain showers. ​Life, much like the weather, is not always bright and calm. Storms will come, and the rain will fall. Yet, it is ​in those brief interludes - the aiteall - that we find the space to breathe, reflect, grow and let the sunshine ​warm us. These pauses in the downpour offer us the opportunity to gather strength, to learn from the ​storms, and to prepare ourselves for whatever lies ahead. Together, we will remember that with each rain, ​we have the chance to become stronger, more resilient, and ready to welcome whatever comes next.

Who I work with

Abstract Charcoal Background Texture


I offer individualised support to adults ​facing a wide range of challenges, ​such as anxiety, depression, isolation, ​and burnout. Sessions are normally ​between 45-60 minutes. We will ​explore a range of art media and ​creative interventions to encourage ​self-expression and reflection. ​Participants do not need any previous ​experience in making art to gain full ​benefit fr​o​m the sessions.

five star rating
Abstract Collage Pieces


Art Psychotherapy groups, typically ​focused on a specific theme, help ​build a sense of community and ​shared understanding. There will be ​ample time to create, reflect and share ​together. Groups also great to learn ​more about how Art Psychotherapy ​works. if you’re thinking about ​individual support in the future. Follow ​me on Instagram for info on ​upcoming events!

five star rating
abstract portrait

Young People

Art Psychotherapy offers a gentle and ​accessible therapeutic approach for ​children and teenagers. It can address ​challenges such as self-identity, body ​image, bereavement, self-harm, and ​loneliness. Thanks to the emphasis on ​non-verbal communication, Art ​Psychotherapy can be a great fit for ​this age cohort who may be less ​comfortable with opening up about ​their feelings and experiences.

five star rating
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